Top 10 Most Trusted People in Crypto: Crooks or Not?

Recently, a website has published a list of the top ten trusted persons in the crypto space and this list has sparked some controversy. The first discrepancy one will notice is the fact that the list does not contain Satoshi […]

Abishek Dharshan

Abishek Dharshan

Top 10 Most Trusted People in Crypto: Crooks or Not?

Recently, a website has published a list of the top ten trusted persons in the crypto space and this list has sparked some controversy. The first discrepancy one will notice is the fact that the list does not contain Satoshi Nakamoto. Yes, the founder of the industry is not included in the list of most trusted people. While most of the list contains really popular and influential people like the founder of Ethereum and the founder of Litecoin, the list also contains some controversial names like McAfee and Justin Sun. For a list that is titled ‘the most trusted people in crypto’, these names are hard to chew on. 

Top ten trusted people in crypto

 Firstly let’s quickly get a glance of the list. 

Notable absences

Two notable personalities were absent from the list. First as we have already discussed, Satoshi Nakamoto. The founder of Bitcoin being absent from the list is incomprehensible, somehow it doesn’t sound right. This industry originated because of this person, and the logic behind avoiding such an entity is unknown. Another famous personality is Elon Musk. Even though Musk has not been involved with crypto publicly, somehow he keeps running into crypto. His views have changed over the years, from being a real skeptic to now being a cheerleader for the technology. Musk’s comments and tweets have drawn a large number of people into crypto. 

A unique blog

The website that published the list is unusual in many ways. Cinidicator was founded in 2015, with a stated mission of “Hybrid Intelligence for effective decision-making”. Cindicator builds predictive analytics by merging collective intelligence and machine learning models. And their uniqueness does not end there Cindicator’s analytical products are available exclusively to holders of CND tokens. Beyond the use of crypto for purchases, they also use AI in blog writing as stated in their blog page “All texts are co-authored with artificial intelligence”.

What’s the controversy

What makes the list controversial are two names, and those two names are really controversial. The blog even prompted CNN to write a counter article which is over 800 words, titled ‘ “10 Most Trusted in Crypto” List Littered With Alleged Crooks’. The first of the controversial names is McAfee. Yes, his name made to a list of trusted people. One of the authors was quoted in the original article saying, “[He has] a lot of followers and I can see the impact of his opinion on the crypto market.” Well that technically doesn’t equate to trust. The second controversial name is Justin Sun. From the outside he looks like an influential person in the industry who is trying to push spread awareness about crypto. In fact, he bought lunch with Warren Buffet for $4.57 million for this purpose. He was later quoted by Global time, “My initial objective is to convince Buffett on the bitcoin and blockchain industry instead of creating hype”. But it is reported that Sun couldn’t attend the lunch because he is on a Chinese government exit-ban list – and has been since June 2018. Chinese media outlet Caixin, reported that Sun is under investigation for multiple alleged crimes, mainly financial. 

The list is off by a lot when it comes to trust factor associated with some of the people in the list. Only if they renamed the list to ‘most influential people’ would it have made sense, or AI is simply not yet good enough when it comes to judging people’s character. 
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Abishek Dharshan
Article By

Abishek Dharshan

Abishek is an Entrepreneur, Digital Nomad, Student, and ICO Marketing Manager currently based in Berlin & Champaign. He is actively involved in the Blockchain space and has worked in numerous projects in the Silicon Valley since 2017. His interests revolve around Finance, Consulting, and Blockchain Research.

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