This Online Store allows you to Buy EVERYTHING with Cryptos!
What if stores accepted direct cryptocurrency payments without the hassle of converting your cryptos to fiat first? Meet EXENO.
Cryptocurrencies have come a long way since they were first created. People today can buy, sell, swap, and hold cryptocurrencies in their wallets. Despite many advancements in this realm, people are still finding it annoying to actually spend their cryptocurrency holdings. In fact, every time you need to purchase physical goods from a store, you would need to first sell your cryptos, transfer the money to your account, and finally pay the store. This is not only time-consuming but oftentimes expensive! What if stores accepted direct cryptocurrency payments without the hassle of converting your cryptos to fiat first? Meet EXENO.
What is EXENO?
Exeno is an online store that sells a wide range of products, from home utilities to consumer electronics such as laptops and cellphones. What differentiates Exeno from other online stores though is the ability to pay safely, anonymously, and securely via cryptocurrency payments. This means that you can directly buy something, and withdraw from your cryptocurrency wallet. Prices on the website are all displayed in the various cryptocurrencies which they accept:
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Ether (ETH)
- Tether (USDT)
- Bitcoin Vault (BTCV)
Most users using the Exeno website to shop are searching for iPhones, Laptops, Samsung devices, and other electronics. This goes to show that most crypto holders are techy people looking to spend their cryptos to buy other tech-related products. On the other hand, Exeno has many other categories to shop like Kitchen, Home Appliances, Sport and Clothing, Tools, and others.
Why use EXENO?
We at CryptoTicker love cryptocurrencies and hold a lot of ’em. At the same time, we love privacy and ease of payment, without the hassle of entering non-essential details. On Exeno, users can browse around, shop and checkout seamlessly without any hassle. Specifically, whenever you checkout, you are prompted to fill in your bank details, card details, and the KYC procedures. With Exeno, all of those unnecessary steps are bypassed, sending you directly to the shipping details.
How to Buy with Bitcoin on Exeno
It’s SUPER EASY to start your crypto shopping journey with Exeno. With a few simple steps, you can start purchasing your favorite items with your cryptos, hassle-free.
- To start, you need to register an account on Exeno. Find the “Register” button on the top-right corner of the website. This is where you enter very basic information about yourself to create your very own account
- Click the link in the email to set up your password with Kanga, Exeno’s trusted crypto partner.
- Start browsing! All products are priced based on the selected cryptocurrency (you can change that in the top-right header)
- Now yo need to review your cart and checkout. You’ll only need to enter the shipping details you want your packages to be delivered to.
- Last step is to make the payment via Kanga. Login and settle the transaction sent directly to this account.
And that’s it, you can now use your cryptos to directly pay for your needs and wants.
Happy Shopping!
Rudy Fares
Equity Trader, Financial Consultant, Musician and Blockchain Aficionado. I spend my time doing Technical and Fundamental Analyses for Stocks, Currencies, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies.
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