The day has finally come! Bitcoin Cash will be hard-forked and this won’t be a regular hard fork since people like Craig Wright call it a war of extermination that could lead to Bitcoin Cash’s death.
Note: This article will be continuously updated.
Who will win this so-called HashWar? Satoshis Vision or ABC?
5:47 PM: A hard fork will happen in a few blocks.
5:54 PM: Nothing happened yet. The Bitcoin Futures currently favour ABC with $ 274. SV is at $ 95. Bitcoin Cash (Classic) is at $ 414.
6:02 PM: 4 blocks until the hard fork occurs.
6:07 PM: BCH trading has been disabled on nearly all exchanges.
6:12 PM: Two blocks left until the hard fork.
6:20 PM: Futures seem to be stable. The hash rate seems to increase slowly.
6:26 PM: At this point, SV is supported by 71% of the hash-rate. However, ABC is supported by 74% of the nodes.
6:40 PM: Only 1 block left! Check out a live view of the blocks here.
6:45 PM: Some interesting updates on Twitter:
6:50 PM: Hashrates are increasing really fast.
6:52 PM: Another block has been mined.
6:59 PM: The next block will be either an SV or ABC block.
7:04 PM: The forks’ first block was mined by!
7:06 PM: Bitcoin Cash ABC is two blocks ahead. The number of transactions have risen from 73 to 20861 within the last hour!
7:08 PM: Bitcoin ABC futures price rises to nearly $ 300. Satoshi’s vision drops to
7:15 PM: Bitcoin ABC Futures rose to $320!
7:20 PM: SV is back and mines the first SV-block!
7:30 PM: The miners of Waterhole have created a third fork. Bitcoin Unlimited. The hash rate for Bitcoin Cash (Classic) is dead
7:38 PM: It looks like the camps are concentrating on expanding their own length. It does not look like an attack is going to happen.
7:39 PM: Bitcoin Cash ABC performs with 5 blocks. All blocks were mined by This is not really decentralized, however, it does build up the length of the chain.
7:48 PM: SV Pool catching up. ABC only 3 blocks in the lead.
7:51 PM:
Let's get this stupid fork over with already. I honestly don't like forks.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) November 15, 2018
7:54 PM: The first ABC block was mined by Bitcoin (BTC) price is still stable.
8:02 PM: Joseph Young: At the moment everything’s going for ABC. More transactions, longer chain and a higher price.
8:08 PM: Where is the SV’s hash rate? Did SV Miner secretly mine an even longer chain in the background? Will we still experience a destruction of the ABC chain?
8:20 PM: Polionex opens ABC and SV Trading! Vitalik Buterin congratulates Roger Ver on the first battle won. He continues to say “The idea behind Bitcoin Cash is crazy!”.
8:23 PM: Roger Ver: “I’m not worried about seeing a stealthy extended chain from SV.” Satoshis Vision price drops to $ 70. Is the price dump coming?
8:31 PM: Is Roger Ver cheering too early? If tomorrow the mining pool for ABC fades away, it could be dangerous for ABC.
8:30 PM: The estimated hash rates of SV and ABC are almost identical. So far, the fork did not have much impact on Bitcoin (BTC).
8:45 PM: The price of SV still rises to $ 80.
8:48 PM: ABC is 4 blocks up front. The last ABC block has been mined more than 30 minutes ago.
9:03 PM: The current status of the forks according to
The current status of the forks according to
9:09 PM: SV still rising. Now at 90$! ABC falls to under 300$.
9:11 PM: ABC has only been mined by so far. SV was mainly mined by SV Pool. Unfortunately, this has relatively little to do with decentralization.
9:20 PM: Despite 41,000 Petahash / second of, the lead of ABC has now dropped to 2 blocks.
9:24 PM: ABC in the lead with only 1 block anymore.
9:27 PM: ABC only at $280 – SV at nearly $100!
Pretty much neck and neck between ABC and SV hashrate.
But $BAB (ABC) is worth 3x $BSV
Both sides spending ~200k USD per day… which is currently unsustainable
— Alistair Milne (@alistairmilne) November 15, 2018
9:33 PM: CSW is still 100% sure that he will win the Hashwar. “A reminder, hash competitions are a marathon, not a sprint.“
9:34 PM: SV ahead with 1 block! SV $100 – ABC $280!
9:44 PM:
9:54 PM: ABC back in the lead. SV $ 110, ABC $ 286. A cheerful back and forth. It does not look like an attack at the moment.
10:00 PM: ABC with the support of Antpool!
10:06 PM: Just a short review while waiting for the next block:
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10:11 PM: ABC back in the lead with +3 blocks.
10:23 PM: Bitcoin (BTC) pretty unimpressed. There are no price drops and the delays in the block time are also manageable.
10:28 PM: ABC in the lead with +8 blocks!
10:35 PM: Transactions on the ABC Chain have dropped dramatically. From an average of 4 Mb / block to 4 Kb/block. BMG pool supports SV.
10:46 PM: Even though not much is happening right now. Here are the main sites to track the Fork and Cash.Coin.Dance.
10:58 PM: At this point, we’re closing our active live ticker. However, we’ll update this article once something interesting happens!
After 32 blocks, ABC is in the lead by 10 blocks. In case ABC keeps the borrowed hash rate by SV could die pretty fast. Otherwise, SV could catch up and win against ABC.
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