You Might Soon Be Able to Show Your NFTs As Twitter Avatars!

You thought that NFTs were only meant to be collected? Twitter Avatars are soon coming to allow NFT usage as verified profile pics!

Dennis Weidner

Dennis Weidner

You Might Soon Be Able to Show Your NFTs As Twitter Avatars!

The NFTs will soon integrate with your Twitter accounts to allow their usage as verified profile pictures. According to the recent announcements, Twitter is planning to up its metaverse game by introducing the Twitter Avatars. This would allow users to put on their online graphical representations by verifying ownership of a particular NFT, which then logically wouldn’t be accessible by anyone else. Mada Aflak, the software engineer and Android technology lead of Twitter has announced on Sep 29.

As promised, here is the first experiment. Feedbacks and ideas are welcome 🙂

Twitter and NFTs – a Soon to be Reality?

Twitter is notoriously popular amongst crypto and NFT users, it serves as their primary base and center of discussion. If implemented, the Twitter Avatars won’t be the first time that the platform is taking an initiative in the NFT space. For instance, the platform released the “The 140 Collection” on June 30 – an open reference to the character limit for the micro-blog posts on the platform that the users can create.

Back then, Twitter introduced six NFTs for now including the Furry Twitter, Vitamin T, Building Characters, First Born, Rare Form, Reply Guy, and twttr jggl – each one limited to 20 pieces. Thanks to giveaways, a lot of people became very happy and wealthy as they acquired some pieces for as high as 68 ETH (worth $190K). Will they become the first iconic Twitter Avatars? Time will tell.

Jack Dorsey is Hinting BIG!

Despite his open hostility towards anything, which isn’t Bitcoin. It appears that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey can’t seem to avoid using Ethereum based services as he earlier also promoted the “Valuables BY CENT” service for turning tweets into authentic NFTs on Mar 06. The service allows the users to monetize their tweets on Ethereum’s MATIC side-chain.

His own advertised tweet sold for around $2.9 million and the money was donated to charity. Ethereum network has gotten far too stronger for even maximalists like Jack to ignore. Once released, Twitter Avatars will be another proof of that. It’s likely that Jack might do another charity drive sporting the first Twitter Avatars, this time also.

4662.5M internet users
189.2M twitter users
10.1M defi users
0.3M opensea users

0.009% of internet users own an nft.

You are on the left-most end of the left-most group.

You are an innovator among innovators.

Twitter Avatars are interesting because they would further help with mainstream adoption and usage of Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This happens by allowing average users to see their utility as authentic digital representations of themselves. To gain perspective on how early this space is, imagine that there are 4662M+ Internet users in the world, out of which only 189M+ use the Twitter platform. However, the largest NFT marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain is OpenSea. It made a record $1B+ volume recently has only 0.3M+ users! This is about to change.

Dennis Weidner
Article By

Dennis Weidner

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