Was sind eigentlich Kryptowährungen?

Kryptowährungen werden deshalb so genannt, weil ihr zentrales technisches Element auf Kryptografie, also Verschlüsselungstechnologie, aufbaut. Es gibt mittlerweile unzählige Kryptowährungen. Bitcoin war die erste und ging Anfang 2009 an den Start. Was haben alle Kryptowährungen gemein? Die große Neuheit und […]

Lukas Mantinger

Lukas Mantinger

Was sind eigentlich Kryptowahrungen?

DeFi crypto coins are crypto-assets, which are a part of or originate from Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols. They play a central part in the DeFi ecosystem. They also derive their value from the usage and adoption of such protocols. The protocol users might use them for staking, governance power, profit sharing claims, as collateral, debt position, etc.

The DeFi protocol has eight main categories. DeFi crypto coins have the same classifications based on their roles and nature. Let’s list those categories:

About Decentralized Finance (DeFi) And DeFi Crypto Coins

An alternative to the traditional finance, Decentralized Finance is an emerging blockchain based field, based on the central idea of providing financial services without the presence of third party or intermediaries. Instead, the self-executing complex logic smart contracts are used, which operate without any intervention.

It’s an attempt to go “bankless” – meaning developing the ability and means to override the current financial institutions and banks for a more free inclusive and less restricted system. DeFi Crypto Coins are tokens related to DeFi protocols, deriving their value from them.

The characteristics of DeFi protocols are trustlessness, resistance to censorship, decentralization, ability to verify on-chain, low barriers of entry, decentralization, unhindered transaction execution and interconnectivity- the so called lego-like composability. Unlike traditional finance, DeFi is accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a basic computer or smartphone.

Lukas Mantinger
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Lukas Mantinger

Lukas ist Journalist und Fachmann im Blockchainbereich. Er befasst sich seit vielen Jahren mit dem Thema, verfasst täglich Berichte und Reportagen. Er ist immer auf dem Laufenden und vor allem Experte, wenn es um technische Fragen geht.

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