Cryptojacking – eine wachsende Gefahr

Cryptojacking, unerkanntes Kryptomining über Webseiten wird zu einem immer größeren Problem, wie eine neue Studie herausgefunden hat.

Prasanna Peshkar

Prasanna Peshkar

Cryptojacking – eine wachsende Gefahr

Akon, an American singer, songwriter, businessman, record producer and Grammy award winner is launching his own cryptocurrency, “AKoin” to use in his new African “Akon Crypto City,” Page Six reported on June 19. The singer also stated that he’s thinking about getting into politics and said he is ready to take on not just President Donald Trump, but Kanye West in 2020.

Akon has spent years running Lighting Africa — a project aimed at bringing solar power to African nations . The singer presented his vision for cryptocurrency at the the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The lighting Africa project provides electricity in 15 countries of Africa. Their initial technique is to install solar street lights and small energy systems.

“I think that blockchain and crypto could be the savior for Africa in many ways because it brings the power back to the people and brings the security back into the currency system and also allows the people to utilize it in ways where they can advance themselves and not allow government to do those things that are keeping them down,” Akon said.

Akon is planning to complete a “100 percent crypto-based city” on 2,000 acres of land provided by the Senegalese President. According to AKoin’s website,

“Akon Crypto City” is in development on 2,000 acres of land that the rapper/singer was given by the president of Senegal and will be “a first of its kind 100% crypto-based city with Akoin at the center of transactional life.”.

It is a different project that offers an abundance of digital and in-real-life platforms and experiences that create opportunity and inclusion for youth entrepreneurs by allowing consumers to buy, hold, and spend cryptocurrency right from their smartphone through a suite of blockchain-powered apps.

When further asked about his possible US presidential run and the manner in which he would handle Donald Trump and Kanye West. Akon stated

“It’s gonna be entertaining, it’s gonna be something worth watching,I’m going to go after Trump and Kanye will get offended because he likes Trump and he’s going to go after me. Then I’m going to go after Kanye and then Trump’s going to get offended because he likes Kanye and he’s going to go after me. And the debate stage will be set where it’s all about me. It’s perfect, a masterplan.”


Die Forscher erzielten folgende Ergebnisse:

  • Die meisten Angriffe werden nicht zentral gesteuert
  • Die meisten Cryptojacking-Websites werden von Mining Services und durch Werbung gefördert
  • Eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Angreifern profitiert vom Missbrauch von Kryptowährungs-Mining-Diensten
  • Die Schadsoftware Installationen verschwinden schnell oder werden häufig aktualisiert
  • Modernste Abhilfemaßnahmen, wie z.B. Blacklists, sind nicht ausreichend, um Cryptojacking rechtzeitig zu lokalisieren
  • Viele Schadsoftwareausprägungen haben wirksame Maßnahmen gegen Antivirenprogramme
  • In ihrer Analyse extrahierten die Forscher Merkmale von vier verschiedenen Aspekten wie Umleitung, Verschleierung, Umweltkontext und Missbrauch. Sie verwendeten die Naïve Bayes-Methode, um JavaScript-Malware-Samples zu identifizieren, die sich automatisch auf betroffene Rechner im Hintergrund herunterladen.
Prasanna Peshkar
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Prasanna Peshkar

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